Poem of the day July 6, 2011 Chimney scented incense weeks 27 days 186 2011 1095 lunation next day and night on Rome Albedo Moonrise Ascendant in Virgo Lady Demeter Virgilia Culture 6 7 2011 9:28 UTC Moonset 21:18 Albedo 29% UTC ALBEDO 34% raised next 7 7 2011 at 10:40 UTC moon poems signed with the initials C and 3 or 3 and CCC stands for complement and complete summary obtained from the term came to be formed with the upper end of the verses in close cohesion under the symbol EEE stands that rises hermetic etheric essence of the meaning of pro ® PRO MNCD IONS 'copyright Meryluise Astrology also found in Brand Management Gotha Vespertine Capitoline pro ® PRO MNCD IONS'
Stacks of fragrant incense
Stacks of fragrant incense
spagyric environments purified
native to the islands of the kingdoms inherited
sprinkle breath smells of thalasso
Nebulae of ethereal fragrant fibulae
the knowledge they become flexible
between the nostrils inhaled Invisible
barely perceptible tingle in the air
Wander into mystical lands that dredging
by thick spread their sewage
to disinfect the waste from which emanate
wiping toward the sky like
Etymological origins in the geological
are recognizable by the distinctive logic
learned from centuries of psychological spores
the affix as icons of biological reserves
HOW Meryluise MECO
Neologism TALASSO Talassa definition from the goddess of the Mediterranean Sea Daughter of Ether pure air breathed by the gods in ancient Greek culture only, this new term I coined it in a context of clear, pure air as a cosmic allegory, a 'fresh air that comes from the cares of the sea and its beneficial properties that are sprinkled among healthy and among those chosen to be a step above the shapeless mass of mediocre selfish.
The words on the pictures below is what was under the entry I found today when doing the copy and paste this happens when one loads the images are very clear words of Buzz I found these pictures that were sabotaging me here is the truth
Ciminiere di incensi profumati
Ciminiere di incensi profumati
spagirica per ambienti purificati
autoctone alle isole dei regni ereditati
aspergono odori di respiri talassati
Olezzanti nebule di eteree fibule
ne divengono lo scibile flessibile
inalato tra le nari invisibile
a frizzarne l'aria appena percettibile
Mistiche vagano verso terre che dragano
dal lor liquame che denso propagano
a disinfettar le scorie da cui promanano
tergendole verso il cielo che amano
Etimologiche nelle origini geologiche
si riconoscono per distintive logiche
apprese da secoli tra le spore psicologiche
le appongono come icone di riserve biologiche
Meryluise COME MECO
Neologismo TALASSATI definizione proveniente da Talassa la dea del mare Mediterraneo figlia dell'Etere l'aria pura respirata solo dagli Dei nell'antica cultura greca, questo termine nuovo da me coniato si inserisce in un contesto di aria pura limpida cosmica anche come allegoria, un'aria pura che proviene dalle cure benefiche del mare e dalle sue proprietà salubri che si asperge tra i prescelti e tra chi sia un gradino superiore alla massa informe di mediocri egoisti.